Heidehuizen Expertise (HE) is fully specialized in loss adjusting and risk management of livestock and crops. HE is self-sufficient and operates independently. HE is all about clarity.

If yourself or a client encounters damage, then at your request we will examine the facts and assess the claim. Determining the extent of the damages we can arrange the compensation claim with the other party.

We have been doing this since 1992, for insurance companies, insured individuals and government institutions. An owner in possession of impaired goods has come to the right address. We act in order to recover damages.

We distinguish ourselves through our practical approach based on years of experience. We go to where the damages have occurred and as a result delivering a comprehensive report. By presenting our clients with such a report, they are then able to close a file efficiently and successfully.

Knowing where you stand,
means that you can move forward

In everything that grows and thrives, there is a life cycle. Plants and animals are distinguished clearly from materials and products made from inert, “dead” substances. Our field is dynamic and the seasons have their influence. Ploughing, sowing, propagation, harvest and slaughter. Animals are born and die. Plants and trees germinate, grow, bloom, bear fruit, and over time they die. Livestock we feed and crops we fertilize. Water, sunlight and fresh air are essential. Germs and lack of resistance pose a risk.

Our industry is made of passionate and dedicated people: farmers, crop-growers, growers of (ornamental) plants, breeders, domestic animal owners, and horse owners. They do what they love to do. With passion, commitment and emotion.

Livestock and crops by law, fall under “goods”.  They are not to be compared with buildings, inventory or motor vehicles. They are of great value and often vulnerable.

Our experts at HE have great knowledge of the pathophysiology of flora and fauna. We have years of experience with the human factor and know the market in which animals, plants and products are traded. We have knowledge of liability and debit and therefore are the expert specialists in agriculture and related damages at a high level of excellence.

Damages are often relative due to the resilience of Nature!

Loss and Damage expertise is the investigation into the nature, cause and extent of loss or damage. Within the boundaries of the “unjust deed “also known as ‘tort’ we evaluate the ‘causal’ link with regard to the damage and the liability for it.

As Damage and Loss experts for the Agricultural Industry we each have our specialism. For example, livestock expert or crop-growing expert. Project cases which are carried out for insurance risk:

  • Private Liability Insurance
  • Gaming Liability Insurance
  • Company Liability Insurance
  • Operating Loss Insurance
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • Legal Aid Insurance

To prevent damages, we advise and support companies and institutions in their risk management (control and prevention). We do this in order to include:

  • Company Liability Insurance
  • Legal Aid Insurance

Claim services are processed under the ‘umbrella’ of Animal Sickness Insurance.

An expert is as good
as his last report!

At your request our work can commence. Beforehand we need to make an agreement with you about our method of work. You will receive an estimation of the time we will have to spend, the expected costs and results. The agreements are recorded in a proposal.

A smooth and direct service is what we stand for. At HE you have no account managers or back office staff. You are in direct contact with the specialist performing your job loss. Furthermore, we offer our clients the opportunity to monitor the survey process.

We provide a 24/7 service for you and your clients in case of any emergencies. It’s impossible to predict if a treatment of a sick animal will be successful.

Therefore, the expertise in this phase sometimes will have to take longer, however that can ultimately result in a save for the client. With advanced software, we are able to ‘read ‘ your business. A backup management program is analysed on the basis of codes and performance indicators, which then assesses the damage in an efficient and accurate manner.

Our position in the expertise route is independent. We are not restricted to one Company and the client receives a report in clear terms.

HE follows NIVRE,(Dutch Institute of Registered Loss adjusters) regulations. These regulations serve as a standard for our work.

It’s not the damage, but the
situation which makes us wiser!

Agricultural experts

Ewoud Janssen BSc NIVRE Register Expert Agricultural Expert, member NVAE
Focko Zwanenburg MSc DVM NIVRE Register Expert, agricultural, member NVAE, Judicial Expert
Jan Pieters NIVRE Register Expert Agricultural Expert, member NVAE
Bert Mostert MSc DVM Agricultural Expert

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